Departure for Madeira

After our interlude in Portimao to redo the central rudder, we returned to Culatra where we were able to finish painting the deck and the gantry to make the white whiter but the anti-slip can still wait, it will wait.
A few scrapes in the sand at low tide with friends and Amêijoas evenings (thanks Thomas and Jess for the local clam dish: Ameijoas in Bulhão Pato)
The unexpected change of the port rudder ring which was jamming badly, (it seems more than before the beaching on the beach to fix a ground plate) is easier to do with an apprentice and an additional diver (thanks Patrick and Michel).
Maintenance was added as usual to the endless list:
refurbishing the fridge, fixing the hitched pump, sewing a piece of awning for the sun, ordering a new speedometer depth sounder probe, fans… And pulling the fresh water pipes to rinse directly on the skirt: we’re becoming bourgeois!
But we are ready to say goodbye to the Algarve and our friends who have helped us in our “little” misfortunes.
A last evening to christen Serge and Sylvie’s Ate Logo and we unfurl the genoa, maybe we’ll even raise the mainsail… but nothing is less certain… little wind forecast.

For a First (we’ve already passed by 3 times, a few miles away): a historic meeting with our Bird of the Islands and his great-grandfather!

More photos on the album Algarve 2024